Netumbo Nekomba - Bachelor of English

Brief: Top Achiever in Class

What motivates you to study? My family and teachers from my high school, they all tell me to work hard. Knowing what I want and what I can do has also been a motivation to my studies. I never see the impossible but always exert myself in assessments so as to have the best possible results.

Working and studying, how is it working out for you? Work is not distraction especially when it sharpens your skills in the classroom. Lecturers give us assignments well in advance, so I always know what is coming up and so in turn I dedicate myself to meet deadlines so as to avoid last-minute stress. My work being closely related to what I am studying is an advantage because, having the opportunity to do work integrated learning as the Polytechnic requires gives one a springboard into the industry.

How are you shaped by the environment around you? I surround myself with positive energy, whether in what I do or the company I keep. I always try to motivate others and in turn gain motivation because at the end of the day the successes you achieve are a result of everyone that helped you along the way. They witness all the sweat and tears.

If you were to regret one thing about your study, what would that be? Already in high school I knew what I wanted to study and achieve at varsity. Some teased that I will only become a teacher because English had no opportunities, so now when they see my name in the paper they are bamboozled by my achievements and vision.

What do you think about transformation? I am so excited about the transformation; I simply cannot wait or contain the excitement of being one of the first few to graduate with an honours degree from the Namibia University of Science and Technology.

Success Quote: Anyone can be a success, reach for the stars. If you can develop the habits of success, you will make success a habit.